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Pure Appl. Chem., 1993, Vol. 65, No. 11, pp. 2319-2324

Thermodynamical and geometrical characterization of molecular recognition by cage-type and peptide azapara-cyclophanes in aqueous media

Y. Murakami, O. Hayashida, K. Ono and Y. Hisaeda

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  • Murakami Yukito, Hayashida Osamu, Nagai Yasuyuki: Hybrid molecular assemblies in combinations of a synthetic peptide lipid with macrocyclic cyclophanes. Recl Trav Chim Pays-Bas 2010, 113, 209. <>
  • Hayashida Osamu, Uchiyama Masaki: Cyclophane-based tetra(resorcinarene) as a host for both histone and hydrophobic molecular guests. Tetrahetron Lett 2006, 47, 4091. <>
  • Stang Peter J., Olenyuk Bogdan: Gesteuerte Selbstorganisation chiraler, optisch aktiver, makrocyclischer vierkerniger molekularer Quadrate. Angew Chem 1996, 108, 797. <>
  • Hayashida Osamu, Tanaka Akinori, Motomura Koji, Hisaeda Yoshio, Murakami Yukito: Preparation and Characterization of Novel Cage-type Cyclophanes Having Three or Four Bridging Dipeptide Segments. Chem Lett 1996, 1057. <>
  • Hayashida Osamu, Ono Kazuya, Hisaeda Yoshio, Murakami Yukito: Specific molecular recognition by chiral cage-type cyclophanes having leucine, valine, and alanine residue. Tetrahedron 1995, 51, 8423. <>
  • Hayashida Osamu, Matsuura Sadahiko, Murakami Yukito: Specific molecular recognition by cage-type cyclophanes having a helically twisted and cylindrical internal cavity. Tetrahedron 1994, 50, 13601. <>